If you'd like your employees to use SAML SSO to access KYT, follow these steps below. (Note: You may need a hand from your IT Department to fill out the appropriate attributes 😀)
First, access Single Sign-On in the top-right hand navigation...
Click the "..." in the top right-hand corner of your KYT profile, and then click "Single Sign-on."
Second, select "Require SAML single sign-on"...
This will turn OFF the requirement for Google sign-on, as well.
Third, fill out the information to enable SAML SSO...
Here's what the form in KYT will look like to do this:
You'll want to work with your IT Department to gain the following info from your SAML Identity Provider (IDP):
Your identity provider URL
Content of your public certificate
Public fingerprint (this is optional, if sharing the certificate above).
After exchanging SAML IDP information, here are the next steps to set-up SAML SSO:
Copy and paste the “Identity provider URL” and “Public Certificate” into our secure form.
Copy the SSO URL and Audience/entity ID field (the disabled ones) and paste both into your SAML server.
Map the attributes of email, first_name, and last_name.