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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

High-level view of Know Your Team

Overview for managers & account owners

Overview for employee users

Product feature demo videos

First impressions matter. When we onboard a new team member, we want them to feel welcomed – to have them get to know everyone and have everyone else get to know them. It can be hard to remember to do this as your team grows, or to do this in a non-cheesy way. That’s exactly what our Icebreakers are for: We automatically ask 5 -6 fun questions that introduce your new hire and break the ice in your team.

After surveying 1,182 managers and 838 employees in 2018, 89% of managers said that one-on-meetings positively affect their team’s performance. However, 40% of employees think their manager is “not prepared” or “not prepared at all” for 1-on-1 meetings. Ouch. This is where our One-on-Ones Tool helps: You can schedule 1-on-1 meetings, write a shared agenda, keep track of takeaways, and use 100+ suggested one-on-one questions and agenda templates – all supported by best practices from 2,000+ people.

The hardest part of getting honest feedback is figuring out what to ask. Never get stuck in this predicament with our Culture Questions – we give you 300+ recommend employee pulse survey Culture Questions that are asked one at a time to your entire team, based on 6+ years of research, that you can choose from. From these, you’re guaranteed to learn something new every single week, and create a culture of feedback in a lightweight way.

Trust is essential for a high-performing team. Yet, it can always be tough to figure out exactly how to build trust in a team – especially if your team is remote or is growing quickly. One important part of building trust is simply helping people get to know each other in a personal way. That’s exactly what our Social Questions do: We ask periodic questions that help people find surprising connections with one another, and bring everyone closer together.

Your daily stand-ups or weekly status meetings are bloated – and frankly, a complete waste of time. But, you need a way to get your team on the same page, efficiently. What to do? This is where our Heartbeat Check-ins come in. Use our Heartbeat Check-in to automate status updates in your team. You’ll align everyone around progress, and save dozens of hours a month (and a pile of money!) by streamlining or replacing your daily stand-up meetings.

According to a 2015 SHRM/Globoforce Survey with 6,000 people, 86% of people believe employee recognition increases employee happiness. However, we often forget to give this meaningful feedback. Or, we don’t put it into writing. Or we default to our general, “Good job!” without being specific about what we were trying to positively recognize. That’s where Shout-outs 📣 comes in.

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